At Anatomic Iron Steel Detailing, we challenge ourselves to grow and adapt with the needs of the construction industry. Consequently, in response to anticipated nationwide infrastructure upgrades, our bridge detailing division will soon be expanding!
With many bridges across the country in various states of deterioration, bridge rehabilitation, repair, and reconstruction will be a major focus of upcoming infrastructure improvements. In their 2021 Bridge Conditions Report, the American Road and Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA) stated that 36 percent of all American bridges need repair. If placed end to end, these bridges would stretch over 6,000 miles.
According to the report about 20 percent of all bridges currently are structurally deficient (SD). On average these SD bridges are 68 years old, and motorists drive across them 171.5 million times daily. SD bridges are not necessarily unsafe; however, the cost required to replace or rehab them is significant and their SD status makes them more likely to close or only allow restricted weight in the future. The ARTBA also stated that nearly one-third of our interstate highway bridges need repairs. These statistics put into perspective our urgent need for bridge improvements.
The ARTBA reported that at the current pace it would take nearly 40 years and $41.8 billion to repair the backlog of SD bridges. However, recent infrastructure legislation provides funding that puts our industry in the unique position of addressing bridge rehabilitation with our skills and expertise in an expedited timeframe. This translates into expanded possibilities for nationwide impact by bridge production teams.
With this in mind, Anatomic Iron Steel Detailing will include a dedicated bridge crew on every production team to ensure that each bridge project is a success.
Make no mistake, bridge crews are not a new feature for Anatomic Iron. We plan to expand and grow an already thriving part of our production team. From foot bridges to highways to railway structures, no bridge detailing job is too simple or too complex for our expert team of detailers.
Anatomic Iron Steel Detailing is pleased to serve steel bridge fabricators with top-notch, industry-leading steel detailing services using the experienced detailers and stellar processes that have defined our work throughout the years. Combining detailing, modeling, and connection design skills, we can deliver a wide variety of tools to meet any need. We can provide:
- 3D models,
- shop drawings,
- erection drawings,
- placement drawings,
- blocking diagrams,
- bills of material,
- CNC files,
- plate development details, including allowances for cutting/ burning,
- and center of gravity information.
Our expanded bridge service will be available November 1 to prepare for the increased workload. Anatomic Iron Steel Detailing is well positioned to take on a higher percentage of bridge work on our production floor, and we look forward to making an impact on infrastructure across North America with our services.
Reach out to us today to learn how we can help make your bridge project a success! Contact us at